places of interest

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places of interest

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:10:29
  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. Tourists will take the direct sea voyage between Xiamen and Jinmen by chartered boat and will visit four or five places of interest.

2. The Beijing Tourism Development Committee started a campaign this year to improve toilets at places of interest.

3. The camp provided visits to a dozen places of interest in Beijing, but the children's views on which was the best differ.

4. The sceneries are beautiful and elegance with places of historical interest and scenic beauty spreading all over the place like stars in the sky.

5. Ramps and elevators have been installed at some places of interest in Beijing for the convenience of disabled visitors.

6. I noticed that Nepal's traditional handicraft and its places of historic interest will prove very attractive for Chinese buyers and tourists.

7. Places of historical interest and scenic beauty have long been attractive for overseas tourists, according to the committee.

8. There are a number of places of historical interest and natural scenic spots here, awaiting your exploration.

9. There are over 200 places of historical interest and over 300 scenic spots open to tourists in the whole county.

10. Fan spent several years in Paris, visiting museums and other places of interest.

1. Did you take any photos of the places of interest in Beijing?

2. places of interest的近义词

2. Hotel de Branding is favourably located 300 metres from the beach, 50 metres from the forest, and close to the shopping centre of De Koog and all places of interest.
Hotel Zeerust酒店位于山脚下的小镇Koog,从酒店步行不到5分钟,即可抵达广阔洁净的北海海域,小镇的边缘便是森林的开端。

3. Wilful damage of valuable cultural relics or places of cultural and historical interest under state protection; and

4. As well as all the places of interest to visit in Scarborough, there are also many different types of things you can do.

5. places of interest

5. The whole area of the district abounds in places of natural beauty as well as spots of historical interest.


6. How to well protect the historic places of interest is a hot issue at present.

7. Holland has many places of interest, so now I want to introduce five of them to you.

8. places of interest什么意思

8. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?

9. places of interest

9. It is designed with 10.8 square kilometers and tourists may enjoy places like Dayu's Tomb, Xiaolu Peak, Wanwei Hill and Ruoye Brook. By combining places of interest with history, culture, natural scenery and folk customs, the attraction is a place for accommodation, travel, shopping and entertainment.

10. In Hunan, I read about many places of interest, such as Zhangjiajie, ,like a beautiful painting; and the historic old city-Fenghuang.

11. It is a beautiful seaside city because there are many places of interest in it.

12. They`re all places of great interest in China.

13. I can see many places of great interest.

14. I would like to visit some places of interest.

15. It's famous for its places of historic interest in the world.

16. We visited a lot of places of interest.

17. I like visiting some places of interest.

18. What kinds of places would you like to go? Please sort your answers in descending order depends on your interest.

19. My hometown is Hangzhou, which has many places of interest.

20. places of interest的反义词

20. There are a lot of places of interest in Beijing.

I love my hometown because there are a lot of places of interest and delicious food here.(我喜欢我的家乡,因为这里有许多的名胜古迹,还有各种各样的美食。乀。)
What are some places of interest to visit there?(那里有哪些有趣的地方可以参观?)
Then you must visited many places of interest.(那你一定参观了许多风景名胜。。)
The machine was designed to be used in places like transport stations, airports and places of interest where quick and exact announcements are needed most.(这种机器被设计用于最需要快速且准确的公告的地方,如运输站、机场和名胜古迹。)
Instead, people show more interest in travelling and visiting places of interest.(人们对旅游和参观名胜古迹越来越感兴趣。)
There are many famous places of interest in France, please give two examples.(法国有很多著名的名胜古迹,请举两个例子。)
I visited many places of interest.(我参观了很多名胜古迹。)
There are many places of interest near the city.(这座城市附近有许多有意思的地方。)
I can visit these places of interest and have some local snacks in Yu Garden.(我可以访问这些地方的利益,在豫园的一些地方小吃。)
It was interesting to see so many places of interest from all over the world.(看到来自世界各地的如此多风景的名胜真是有趣。)
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